Here is What You Will Learn Inside the Engineering Career Accelerator Online Course
Module 1: Developing a Winning Mindset
You can't get through a job transition without having your mind right. So we start with critical mindset tools to make sure you move through the rest of the program with the right foundation.
I provide training, additional resources, and opportunities to do mindset assessments to see where you most need to improve.
Developing your mindset is a lifelong pursuit - start now!
Module 2: Get Career Clarity
You can't get where you are going if you don't know where you want to go!
We'll work through multiple activities to get clear on your values and desires for your career. Once you know where you are going and what you want to become, everything else seems a bit easier and you are able to focus on what will get you there.
Module 3: Winning LinkedIn Strategies
LinkedIn is the foundation of your online personal brand, and I show you everything you need to succeed there.
We go step-by-step through how to craft a winning LinkedIn profile, I teach you how to rapidly expand your network, and give you examples to follow.
LinkedIn is an opportunity to show more people who you are and what you can do - I'll show you how to really leverage it!
Module 4: Build Your Résumé
I simplify the whole resume process and give you what matters.
A resume needs to be simple and focus on what you can DO - the skills you bring to the table. My resume template highlights those skills and helps you show how you have delivered massive value in the past.
It's also important to personalize your resume for each job you apply for, but you don't want to spend all of your time rewriting your resume! I show simple tricks to customize it quickly!
Module 5: Networking That Works
Networking is where the real magic happens, as it's the people that you connect and build relationships with that can make or break your career progression.
I'll show you how to move through this phase, with my exclusive messaging scripts! I also teach you how to make sure to focus on people that can really help rather than wasting time on people that just don't want to feel guilty.
This is where you will really make progress - the things I teach here could be worth the course all by itself.
Module 6: Interviewing Skills
If you have an opportunity for an interview, you need to prepare and put your best self forward. Make the most of every opportunity!
I teach you how to build your confidence, tell your story, be a solution to a problem, and get the interviewers imagining you being successful in their company and want to give you that offer letter!
Module 7: Compensation Negotiations
You have skills that can bring massive value to an organization, so it's important that you get paid what you are worth.
Most job seekers don't negotiate because they are afraid and don't know how! Don't let this be you!
The results over your career can be staggering, even millions of dollars if you miss out or fail to negotiate!
I teach you step-by-step how to move through the process and negotiate like a pro!
Value of the Course Alone: $997